Use Rubber Bands for Manicures
Many people think that they can’t give themselves a professional-looking manicure because they’re maybe not the best with a brush. However, you don’t need to have a manicurist’s finesse in order to get flawless French tips.

Simply slide a rubber band over your nail and get to applying your polish! Just make sure you wait for the nail polish to dry before removing the band so that you don’t mess up your perfect manicure.
Use Dryer Sheets on Deodorant Marks
It can be frustrating when you feel like you’ve got the perfect outfit picked out but then realize that you’ve got deodorant marks all over it. As it turns out, those are relatively easy to remove, so you can still sport your look of choice!

Rub a dryer sheet on the deodorant mark until it disappears. If you don’t have any dryer sheets nearby, you can rub the item’s fabric on itself. However, this should be a last resort, as it can stretch or wrinkle the material.
Cover Sink Drains
If a piece of jewelry falls into the sink, don’t try to catch it. Instead, cover the drain with your hand. The truth is that unless you’ve got the reflexes of Serena Williams, you probably won’t catch the falling jewelry.

Those of us who aren’t the quickest will have a much better chance of covering the drain before our jewelry gets into the pipes. We also recommend covering your drain with netting, so that water can still get through but your precious items cannot.
Buy Men’s Products
Certain products simply work better and are cheaper if you buy the men’s versions. For example, men’s razors are cheaper than women’s — the only difference is they aren’t pink. Deodorant is also better when purchased from the men’s section.

Women’s deodorant comes in scents like ‘Lily’ and ‘Morning Dew,’ which is nice and all. Still, it doesn’t exactly get the job done the way that men’s antiperspirant does.
Shave With Baby Oil
Baby oil is a cheaper and more moisturizing alternative to shaving cream. It can also be used to clean your razor’s blades, as it’s quite gentle and will help your razor last longer. Simply soak your razor in baby oil between uses.

If you’re not a fan of baby oil, you can also use conditioner as a shaving cream substitute. It’ll give you that same glide and still leave your skin feeling soft.
Sit on the Toilet Backward
While wearing a long poofy dress may make you look like a princess, it’ll make you feel more like a court jester when it’s time to use the restroom. In order to avoid things going where they shouldn’t, sit on the toilet backward — facing the cistern.

This way, you can see exactly what’s going on with the back of your dress, rather than trying to feel around behind yourself, hoping for the best.
Don’t Use Ice Cubes
We get wanting to have a cold drink on a hot day but ice cubes tend to water down even the best beverages. In order to keep your drinks cool but without losing the flavor, simply pour the drink itself into an ice tray and freeze it!

For example, you can make iced coffee with frozen coffee cubes. When it comes to adult beverages, you can put frozen grapes into your drink. Bonus points if you eat the grapes afterward!
Use Velvet Scrunchies
Scrunchies are making a serious comeback right now and for good reason! They don’t tug at the hair as elastic ponytail holders do, so scrunchie-wearers don’t run the risk of getting their hair pulled out.

Furthermore, since a ponytail done with a scrunchie doesn’t have such a tight hold, it’ll minimize ponytail bumps and create a sleeker hairstyle. Velvet, specifically, is great for all hair types since it’s so soft — making velvet scrunchies the best possible option.
Light Candles With Spaghetti
Just because your favorite candle has burned down to the wick doesn’t mean that you have to go without using it. No, we’re not suggesting that you hurt your fingers either — there’s a far more simple solution to get any candle lit.

Use a piece of uncooked spaghetti as a very long match to reach those trickier candles. Another option is to light a piece of paper and use that. Although, we suggest using caution with that method as the fire will spread through the paper quickly.
Use the Bathroom After These Activities
Using the bathroom straightaway after certain activities is crucial for a woman’s health. One of these instances is after intimacy, in order to flush out any bacteria and avoid infection. Another scenario in which one should use the restroom is after a bath.

This is particularly true if you like to use bubbles or oils in the tub. The general rule of thumb is to use the bathroom within 30 minutes after completing these activities — but the sooner, the better.
Use Hairspray on Tights
No matter how poised and graceful you are, there’s no avoiding that dreaded run in one’s tights. While we can’t prevent ripped tights altogether, we can certainly minimize the probability of it happening.

Simply spray some hairspray on your tights, after you’ve put them on. This will reinforce the fibers and make them just a bit less likely to tear. If your tights have already torn and you don’t want the hole to get bigger, simply apply clear nail polish to the other side of the rip.
Rub Smelly Hands on Stainless Steel
We all face a major problem when dealing with foods such as garlic or onions. On the one hand, we want those foods in our meals. On the other hand, we’re well aware that it’ll mean spending the rest of the day reeking.

Luckily, there’s a very simple solution — when you’ve finished chopping onions and garlic, rub your hands on some stainless steel. This could be your sink, your faucet, whatever works! The odor will cling to the stainless steel, removing the smell from your hands.
Keep Kitty Litter in Your Car
Even if you don’t own a cat, we highly recommend that you buy a bag of kitty litter and keep it in your car. If your tires get stuck in the snow, kitty litter will provide the traction needed to get them unstuck.

Furthermore, kitty litter can also be used to un-fog car windows. Simply fill a sock with it, put said sock on the dashboard, and allow it to absorb all the moisture. Given that you’ll now buy kitty litter anyway, maybe get a cat too?
Put Clumpy Mascara in Hot Water
If your mascara is getting clumpy or dried up, simply dip the tube in a cup of hot water and let it soak for a few minutes. If you want to clean the brush altogether, leave it in hot water for around 15 minutes.

While we’re at it, ignore the overused beauty advice of pumping your mascara in the tube before application. That actually creates clumps rather than gets rid of them! Instead, twirl your mascara in the tube before applying it to your lashes.
Use Dryer Sheets on Frizzy Hair
If you feel like none of your hair products are working on reducing your frizz or flyaways, maybe it’s time to turn to your laundry products instead. Dryer sheets work absolute miracles on frizzy hair!

Place a dryer sheet onto your hairbrush and comb it through in order to smooth any static or flyaways. Dryer sheets are positively charged, while hair is negatively charged, so the result is a smoothed-down and tame mane.
Put Pads on Underwear Before Showering
We all know that dreaded race against time and gravity when trying to get out of the shower while you’re on your period. Luckily, there’s an easier way than frantically trying to get your pad sticking to your underwear, and then onto your body, in time.

Instead, attach your pad to your underwear before you start showering, and leave it on the countertop for when you’re done. This way, your pad and underwear combo will be ready to go as soon as you’re out of the shower!
Use Ice Cubes on Wrinkled Clothes
Even if your clothes are wrinkled and you don’t have an iron, that doesn’t mean that you have to give up on wearing a certain outfit. Instead, put the clothes into the dryer along with two to four ice cubes and turn the machine on for about 10 minutes.

The ice cubes will melt in the dryer, creating an effect similar to that of a steamer. Bonus points for the fact that, with this method, you won’t have to worry about iron marks!
Put Bracelets on With Tape
Trying to put on a bracelet alone can feel like a dog chasing its tail, as the chain just goes around and around your wrist, seemingly impossible to catch. For those who don’t have someone at home to help them put their bracelet on, or if you simply want to demonstrate your independence, use tape to hold your jewelry in place while you work the clasp.

This way, you’ll always leave the house fully accessorized but without the frustration of fighting with your bracelet all morning.
Coat Jewelry With Nail Polish
We highly suggest coating costume jewelry with clear nail polish. The nail polish will act as a protective layer, preventing your jewelry from getting discolored and chipped.

Also, if you’re one of those people whose skin turns green from the metals in costume jewelry, then the nail polish will help out with that as well. It’ll act as a shield between the jewelry and your skin, so you don’t wind up looking like a well-accessorized version of the Hulk.
Buy Men’s Shirts
If you’re buying just a simple t-shirt, there’s absolutely no reason to pay the extra price that comes with being a woman. Men’s clothing is often cheaper than women’s clothes and when it comes to a basic t-shirt, there’s really no difference between those meant for males or females.

Trust us, no one will be able to tell if your top came from the men’s section of the store. No one except your wallet, of course.
Use Deodorant as Pepper Spray
Not everyone likes the idea of carrying around pepper spray and, more to the point, the product isn’t legal everywhere. However, you probably carry deodorant in your purse for freshening up on a hot day.

Simply switch stick or roll-on deodorant for a spray and you’ll be able to use it as a substitute for pepper spray in an emergency situation. Hopefully, the only emergency you’ll actually need deodorant for is sweat marks.
Get Your Pants Tailored
Tailored pants can truly make all the difference in a person’s appearance. That same pair of jeans can make you look either chic or frumpy, depending on how well they fit you.

If money’s tight, just buy a few cheaper pairs of basic pants and invest the money on tailoring those – rather than spending a lot of cash on several pairs of expensive pants. Trust us, those cheaper jeans will end up looking like they’re designer – if they fit you just right!
Unjam Zippers With Soap or ChapStick
A jammed zipper can make even the calmest person start to panic. It’s hard not to imagine needing to cut yourself out of your clothes the moment your zipper gets stuck. But, before you reach for the scissors, grab a bar of soap instead.

Rubbing soap over the zipper should create enough lubrication to get it unstuck. If you’re on the go, use ChapStick instead. The waxy substance will have the same effect as a soap bar. No outfits need to be harmed in this process.
Avoid Rust Rings With Nail Polish
No, you’re not imagining things, nail polish really is the answer to many of life’s problems. Yet another use for this product is to avoid rust rings around the house. Anyone who has a lot of toiletries in their bathroom has dealt with those dreaded rust rings.

Next time, simply coat the bottom of the can or bottle in nail polish and that’ll act as a shield between the toiletry and the bathroom’s surfaces.
Store Money in a ChapStick Tube
Finding a safe place to keep your money can be difficult, especially if you’re traveling. The best way to ensure pickpockets won’t come after your cash is by storing it somewhere completely unexpected. For example, inside a ChapStick tube!

No one will find it odd that you have some ChapStick in your purse and they’re certainly not going to bother stealing it. We do warn you, though, that there’s a risk of forgetting and trying to moisturize your lips with a 20.
Keep Bobby Pins on Magnets
Like socks in a dryer, bobby pins seem to have a magical way of disappearing from one’s dresser. It feels like no matter what you do, bobby pins are always getting lost and then magically turning up in random places.

In order to keep these hair accessories from wandering around the house, stick them to a magnet! That way, your bobby pins will stay put and be readily available when you need them.
Use Vaseline When Dying Hair
Nobody wants to be that person who ends up with spots of hair dye all over their face after DIYing a new look. In order to avoid this hair faux pas, rub a thick layer of vaseline onto the skin around your hairline (including your ears and neck) before starting to dye.

This way, any wayward hair dye will go onto the vaseline, which is easy to wash off, rather than getting absorbed into your skin.
Create a Medical Business Card
If you have a lot of food allergies or sensitivities to medication, it’s worthwhile to create a “business card” that lists those items, in the event that something happens while you’re out and about.

This is particularly helpful if you carry around any sort of emergency medication and want people to know to look for it in your bag. You can also write down on your card who to call in case of emergency or what passersby can do to help.
Cut Containers in Half
If you’re struggling to squeeze out that last bit of toothpaste or shampoo, simply cut the container in half and scoop the rest out. Some companies will purposely play tricks with their packaging so that you end up needing to replace the product sooner.

For example, makeup companies that make the mascara wand too short to reach the bottom of the tube. Cutting a container in half will ensure that you won’t waste your money and you’ll get to use every last drop of each product.
Open Jars With a Knife
There are a lot of methods for opening tightly closed jars but this is probably the best one. Rather than banging the jar on the table, which rarely works and can result in breakage, grab a knife instead.

Slide the knife into the lid of the jar and push it upward, you’ll hear the lid give a slight ‘pop’ and that’s when you can open it easily. But be warned — this method does pose a risk to the egos of any fragile men who may be nearby.
Keep Money in Your Phone Case
We’re all guilty of not having our bag on us sometimes. However, we’re yet to meet the person who’ll go out without their phone. If you store some money between your phone and its case, you’ll always have some emergency cash.

This trick is useful when making an unplanned purchase if you don’t have your wallet on you. It also helps if your back was stolen, at least this way you can call someone and you’ll have some cash (literally) on hand.
Use a Hair Iron on Clothes
If you find yourself in a bind in which your clothes are wrinkled but you don’t have a clothes iron, you can use a hair iron instead. This is particularly useful while traveling, as you likely won’t want to pack both.

Even if you do have a clothes iron available, you may want to opt for a hair iron anyway when it comes to smaller areas of the clothing, like a shirt collar or an embellished piece.
Pack Shoes in Shower Caps
One of the many challenges of packing a suitcase is figuring out how to pack your shoes without them dirtying up your clothes. Luckily, most hotels give away free shower caps! Simply wrap your shoes up in the shower caps and they’ll be ready to be packed.

If you don’t have any shower caps, you can use a plastic bag instead. Now, there’s just the issue of how to make all your shoes fit into one suitcase!
Remove Gum From Hair With Ice
If you ever find yourself a victim of the cliche of getting gum stuck in your hair, don’t worry that you’ll have to cut your locks. Instead, you can use ice cubes to freeze the gum, making it much easier to remove.

Just hold some ice on the gum for 5-15 minutes, until it hardens. There’s also, of course, the peanut butter trick too. But, we can probably all agree that ice cubes are a lot less messy.
Carry a “Home Alone” Card
Any kind of mom, be it a mom to humans or pets, should carry around a “home alone” emergency card.

In the event that something happens to you, this card will let people know that there’s someone at your house who can’t fend for themselves and is relying on you to come back. Just write down on the card who to call that can go take care of your child until you get home.
Break Shoes in With a Blowdryer
Gone are the days when you need to brace yourself for pain while you break in a new pair of shoes. Instead, break them in before you ever wear them! Put on some thin socks and put the new shoes over them, then blow dry the shoes for several minutes.

When you’re done, allow the shoes to cool off and they’ll be molded to your feet. That definitely beats walking around all day in pain!
Use a Razor on Pilled Clothes
One can always go out and buy a fabric razor to renew pilled clothing, however, they can be quite expensive and you probably have another product at home that’ll work just as well.

A disposable razor, like the one you use to shave your legs, will get the job done just like an expensive fabric razor. Simply pull the fabric taught and use a razor to shave the pilled bits off your clothing.
Thread Jewelry Through Straws
For those who like to wear a lot of jewelry, packing for a trip can pose a serious challenge. Sometimes, it seems like no matter what you do, all of your jewelry chains get tangled with each other, and you’re left unpacking a huge mess.

When preparing for your next vacation, thread your chains through straws and then close the clasp. This way, your jewelry won’t get all tangled with each other and unpacking will be a lot less frustrating!
Keep Spare Clothes in the Car
If you have a lifestyle in which you’re unable to go home during the day, then keeping a spare set of clothes in the car can be a game-changer. You never know when a messy accident will occur and the last thing you need is to spend all your meetings wearing the morning coffee you spilled.

Or maybe the weather forecast was off and you’ll be outside all day. Whatever the situation, the option to change clothes is always a good thing.
DIY Jewelry Cleaning
There’s no need to pay a professional tons of money to clean your jewelry, the truth is that you can DIY the same results at home! Mix one teaspoon of dishwashing soap with warm water, put your jewelry into the solution, and let it soak for about five minutes.

Then, scrub it with a soft toothbrush. For hard-to-reach spots, you can use a toothpick to get the dirt out. Lastly, dry your jewelry on a paper towel or soft cloth, and it’ll be good as new!
Mark Keys With Nail Polish
We’ve all been in this situation at some point — we can’t remember which key is for the lock we need, so we try every single one. Somehow, none of them work, so we try them all again. Then, it’s always the first one we chose, which we swear didn’t work the first time.

In order to avoid this frustrating scenario, differentiate your keys with different colored nail polish! Not only will it make your life easier but it’ll add some flair to your keyring, too.
One of the best pieces of anti-aging advice out there is — moisturize. Your skin and hair need proper moisture in order to stay healthy. We recommend moisturizing one’s skin (face and body) at least once a day, every single day, and hair at least twice a week.

When it comes to skin and hair care, it’s important to remember that you won’t see results right away. But trust us, getting into the habit of moisturizing now is something you’ll be grateful for when you’re older.
Know Your Measurements
Clothes shopping can be an extremely frustrating experience, especially because sizes vary widely between brands as size tags are unregulated. That being said, you can make the process a bit easier by knowing your measurements.

Measure all of the relevant parts of your body and log the information into your phone before your next trip to the mall. This won’t completely replace trying stuff on but it’ll definitely narrow down your choices, saving you a lot of time and exasperation.
Keep a Toiletry Bag in Your Car
You never know when you’re going to need an emergency makeup touch-up, or when you’ll be stuck somewhere overnight — not to mention that you may get an unscheduled visit from Aunt Flo!

Having a toiletry bag in your car will give you peace of mind throughout the day, even if you never have to actually use it. There’s something about knowing you have quick access to all your essentials that makes this life hack worth trying.
Wear a Wedding Ring While Traveling
Whether you’re married or not, it’s worth wearing a wedding ring while traveling. Of course, it doesn’t have to be expensive, just something to give off the vibe that you’re not single and touring alone.

Unfortunately, some places are dangerous for solo female travelers and a wedding band can send the message that your husband is going to come join you any minute. It’s a sad but true reality that a toxic man will respect an imaginary man more than the woman right in front of him.
Life hacks are all the rage because who wouldn’t want to make everyday tasks just a bit simpler? That being said, life as a woman can be a bit different — for better and worse. Women have more concerns in regards to their safety, they tend to dabble more with makeup, and their bodies require a lot of care. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 40+ life hacks, specifically for women!