Quite recently, patterns from the past have slowly been making their way back into clothing shops and even our TV screens, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone. With the recent release of And Just Like That, a sequel series to Sex and the City, the most interesting cameo was not a particular character that everyone wanted to see – it was plaid!

An Unexpected Pattern Suprise
When the new season of And Just Like That began, many people were expecting to see old characters come back and recount their lives. There was also a much-awaited surprise in the face of Kim Cathral returning as Samantha. However, what seemed to launch a thousand comments and shone a light on the designer’s new view was a particular pattern everyone seemed to have forgotten about – plaid!

Everyone’s favorite writer, Carrie Bradshaw, Sarah Jessica-Parker, was at fault for making George crash his bike in a scene on the series, but that wasn’t what caught people’s eye. Rather, it was the vintage lilac coat by Vivienne Westwood. It was a mixture of colors and a pattern everyone was more or less used to seeing quite a lot in the past.
Another Show With a Similar Cameo
People have already been well-acquainted with the raunchy comedy, Bottoms where the designer didn’t miss yet another chance to bring the vintage pattern back to life. On the first day of senior year, best friends Brittany and Izabel, under the tasteful design of Eunice Jera Lee, paid homage to Clueless by wearing similar patterns to the much-recognized yellow outfit of the main character, Cher Horowitz.

On the Upper East Side
While Carrie on And Just Like That is going through her bike-George-coat debacle, another mom we are well acquainted with – Charlotte York, Kristin Davis, is also spotted wearing a playful plaid pattern. While talking to another mom from the series, she can be seen wearing a vintage green-and-navy tartan while waiting for her daughter.

Another Known Face With the Pattern
Molly Rodgers, the co-costume-designer for And Just Like That, explains that the pattern can be worn on different occasions – that’s what makes it special and makes its comeback such a success. Miranda Hobbs, Cynthia Nixon, from the series can be seen wearing the pattern at her lowest and highest points. It can be a sign of happiness and boldness or the need to be vulnerable and lowly for a while – it’s the pattern that encompasses all emotions.

Designers like Rogers and Jera Lee, among others, have chosen to bring back playful plaid patterns for a reason. It can be worn at any time and occasion, and it’s beautiful!